Microsoft Word Not Responding Mac

If Word keeps crashing or doesn't respond on Mac quite often, then you should consider these options.

You might already know there are tons of third-party add-ins available for Mac.  Though, some of this add-ins may wind up corrupting the program or make it an error.  The simplest way to repair this is by eliminating all the faulty add-ins from the program.   Click on the Add-ins choice to view all of the extensions that are installed.  From here, you can delete any unreliable add-in from Word.

If you would like to get Microsoft Word Not Responding Mac but it keeps crashing in the background, then look at opening it at the Safe Mode.  Unlike Windows, you cannot launch a dedicated application on Safe Mode.  Instead, you will need to boot the entire system on safe mode.  To do this, restart your Mac or flip it on.   Log-in to your user accounts and try launching MS Word on it again.

A faulty name of the MS Word document can also make it corrupt as well.   While the document can have an alphanumeric title, it shouldn't start from a number or a distinctive character.  Additionally, be certain that there are not any invalid special characters (like colon or semicolon) in the name.  You can just select the file you wish to change, right-click, and rename it.  Mac also allows us to rename several files in one go.

 Though, precisely like third party add-ins, fonts may also create Word not responding on Mac.  Most of the fonts that are installed on Mac are located in Software > Font Book.  You may visit the identical place via Finder and try to find any faulty third-party font.  Right-click and select to remove the font family in the Mac.  After it is completed, restart Mac and launch MS Word on it again. 


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